Grandpa bought me these new shoes for up at the lake, I think they are very festive for the summer...I tried to fit them on my daddy's foot but for some reason it doesnt quite fit?
This has been a great week, my dad has been home all day with me every day! No more daycare, at least for the next three months :) So every day when mom gets home from work we've been out in the yard playing! I love this weather I'm still getting used the this grass stuff? I dont like how it feels on my skin, but I DO like to put dirt in my mouth?
My cousin Spencer, LaLa, and Uncle Kirby came to visit for 10 days! As you can tell we had so much fun! Everyone left on Sunday :(, but Wigs and I are waiting by the door for everyone to come back...
I like to do silly stuff with the wipes while mom and dad are wrestling me into my diaper... So I don't like putting my diaper on anymore so as soon as mom or dad lays me down to change my diaper I pull the old "twist move" and squirm away as fast as possible!!! Mom caught me in the act and I think it's my best side so I decided to show it off :)
I got a package in the mail today and inside was this cool hat from my friend Cole! Actually we've never met, but he's my Blogg'n buddy :) Thanks Cole, I hope I look as good as you in this hat ;)