Mothers day is a bitter sweet day. I cherish every minute I have being a mother of my wild, curious Gunnar and my sensitive, sassy Gretchen and couldn't ask for a better occupation.
But I miss my own mom dearly...daily I wish she was still here to teach me more about what it takes to be a successful mom like her. I learned so much from her and hold all of our memories very close to my heart!
These were really hard to narrow down to only 3, since there are several thousand of each of the categories but....
Top 3 reason why I love being a mom.
1. The unlimited amounts of hug, kisses, "I love yous" and homemade gifts I get.
2. The feeling I get of joy and pride when one of my babies does something so sweet or wonderful.
3. Knowing I get to have this amazing job that I will never get fired from or have to quit! I will be a mother for my lifetime. (weather the G's like it or not)
The 3 best things about MY mom.
1. She had an amazing relationship with Christ and found time to nurture it daily and encourage her family in the same ways she walked in.
2. She was selfless and did everything for my father and us kids along with being a true, honest friend, a community volunteer, and a professional.
3. She had beautiful style and grace while still being humble.
*had to add a fourth because I always run into moms former partners :)
4. She was so intelligent, smart and an amazing bridge player.
miss you.... But thankful for the 27 years I got with you as my mother.